Veena Vasista cut her teeth as an activist with the Center for Third World Organizing in Oakland, CA in the 90s. After being a campaigner, think tank researcher and government advisor, Veena got burned out, confused and frustrated from trying to pursue social justice through embedding human rights principles into public policy. Inspired by her time as a community mediator and her interest in theater, Veena began a quest to understand how to learn from artists about opening and connecting hearts and minds – all towards creating better ways of living together. She journeyed from London (where she lived for twenty years) to Chicago, Chiapas and finally Santa Fe, New Mexico – where she fell in step with the social circus Wise Fool New Mexico and the interdisciplinary, collaborative storytelling organization, Littleglobe. Veena has been diving deep into exploring the role collaborative art-making can play in cultivating Beloved Community – something which she does as a Feldenkrais Method® practitioner, writer, facilitator, community member, family member and everyday clown.